Sacramento County Criminal Justice Employees'' Union (SCCJEU) has been a recognized employee organization since 1993, representing a variety of sworn and non-sworn classifications in Sacramento County. SCCJEU comprises three bargaining units located in seven departments: District Attorney’s Office, Public Defender’s Office, Department of Child Support Services, Coroner’s Office, Department of Human Assistance Welfare Fraud Investigations Unit, Regional Parks and Recreation Department and Sacramento County Sheriffs Department.
SCCJEU is the successor organization of Sacramento Sheriff Deputies. SCCJEU was incorporated in November 1993, and in April 1994, won elections for two bargaining units in the County of Sacramento.
SCCJEU is the recognized employee organization representing Criminalists, Criminal Investigators, Process Servers, Investigative Assistants, Child Support Officers, Park Rangers, Deputy Coroners, and Forensic Lab Technicians in the County. As the exclusive bargaining agent for those classifications as well as the Supervising Criminalist, Supervising Child Support Officer, Supervising Forensic Identification Specialist, and Supervisor Deputy Coroner. SCCJEU is responsible for negotiating contracts and processing work-place disputes on behalf of its members.
In addition to its statutory obligations, SCCJEU participates in a variety of community activities and supplies group benefits to its members that are otherwise unavailable to the membership.