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Sacramento County Criminal Justice Employees' Union

March 01, 2024
Dear SCCJEU Members:
The Board of Directors of SCCJEU is pleased to announce that they will once again be awarding the Mary Zenor Scholarship Award. While we will still be awarding two scholarships to a child or grandchild (including step or legally adopted) of an active, retired, or associate member of this Association, the Board of Directors has decided to expand the scholarship and offer two awards for our current members continuing their education for the second year in a row.

The scholarship honors Mary Zenor, a DA's Office Criminal Investigator, who died of cancer. Mary participated in the first bargaining team when the Association was formed, and she never lost sight of the need to ensure that all members of the Association were represented.

Mary was very proud of the fact that, while working, she was able to obtain a college degree and subsequently a master's degree. This pride was only topped by her sense of fulfillment that her two sons were each able to go away to college and obtain degrees.

This year there will be two scholarship awards for each group: first place $2,500.00 and second place $1000.00. If you have a child or grandchild who is currently attending or planning to attend college in the upcoming year, or if you yourself are seeking further education, we urge you to fill out the scholarship entry form by asking your board representative, or by downloading the application and instructions off SCCJEU’s website (, or by calling the SCCJEU office at (916) 858-2689.

Please note that entry forms for the child or grandchild of a member will only be accepted for those individuals seeking an undergraduate degree from an accredited college, university, or vocational/trade school.

For current members, you will need to provide proof of registration for a course at a college/university or a certification course related to your field that will assist you in furthering your career with Sacramento County.

Please refer to the scholarship instructions for the full qualifications. Entry forms need to be returned to the SCCJEU office by 5:00 p.m. on April 30, 2024. Each entry will be evaluated, and the winners will be notified by June 1, 2024.

Very truly yours, The Mary Zenor Memorial Scholarship Committe

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